Sunday, June 19, 2011

Poetry - Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah

O God, Another Night is passing away,
Another Day is rising —
Tell me that I have spent the Night well so I can be at peace,
Or that I have wasted it, so I can mourn for what is lost.
I swear that ever since the first day You brought me back to life,
The day You became my Friend,
I have not slept —
And even if You drive me from your door,
I swear again that we will never be separated.
Because You are alive in my heart.

(Rabi'ah al-Adawwiyah)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pengumuman Kuliah Maghrib


Insya Allah, pada 16 Rejab 1432H (18 Jun 2011) hari Sabtu malam Ahad, Kuliah Maghrib (Tauhid) akan diadakan di Masjid Jame' Kampung Telok Kemang, Sg. Mati, Ledang, Johor. Kuliah akan disampaikan oleh al-Fakeh Hj. Zaid Bin Anwar (Fakeh Zaid) dan menggunakan kitab al-Dur al-Thamin bagi Syeikh Daud Bin Syeikh Abdullah al-Fatoni. Muslimin Muslimat dijemput hadir.

Kitab al-Dur al-Thamin bagi Syeikh Daud Bin Syeikh Abdullah al-Fatoni

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Poetry - Ibn 'Ato'illah al-Sakandari

How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when He is the One who is manifest by everything?
How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when He is the One who is made manifest in everything?
How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when He is the One who is manifest to everything?
How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when He was the One who was Manifest before there was anything?

How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when He is more manifest than anything?
How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when He is the One with whom there is nothing else?
How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when He is the One who is nearer to you than anything?
How can you imagine that something else veils Him
when if it had not been for Him, there would not have been anything?

A marvel!
See how existence becomes manifest in non-existence!
How the in-time holds firm alongside Him whose attribute is eternal!

(Ibn Ato'illah al-Sakandari)